A microphone from the viewer's perspective, looking out at a waiting audience

Public Speaking

The Mic is Yours. Are you ready?

A stylized illustration of a woman shying away from a podium, too nervous to speak in public

Does Public Speaking Make You

Break Out in a Cold Sweat?

Are you bothered by seemingly constant filler words, be they “um“, “ah“, “like“, or “you know“?

Or do you simply feel like you have the potential to be a better communicator? A stronger leader? A more inspiring motivator?

Whatever your thoughts are when you see that empty microphone in front of an expectant audience, we can help.

Whether you have to pitch your company, act as a spokesperson, participate in interviews, or even simply speak up to advance your own career, speaking in public is an integral part of our lives. How we present ourselves & how we speak up for our interests has a big impact on our future. The more you can speak with confidence, conviction, and ease, the further you can go. Let us help you get there, with confidence to command any stage.

Public Speaking is a Skill Like Any Other

Technique + Practice = Confidence

The first step to being great at anything is always to acknowledge & accept the fact that to begin with, you might not feel very good at it. That’s okay! Because with time, practice, and a helpful coach, you’ll see how your skills will improve. Sooner than you know it, you’ll feel the confidence that comes from understanding & mastery.

Public Speaking is exactly the same. Let us help you understand key foundational knowledge that can give you the strength to speak with conviction and engage your audience with confidence. Our Founder, Heather Lawver, can explain principles of biology, psychology, vocal practice, and storytelling, all to put you on the path to feeling unafraid of any open mic! Get ready to shine like the star that you are, confident in your message, armed with mastery, and ready to tackle any challenge.

Whether you’re preparing to pitch your company, nervous about upcoming interviews, or simply want to hold your own in the board room, we’ve got your back.

A stylized illustration of a woman speaking confidently at a podium, with her head held high.

How We Can Help You

Command Any Stage

If you’re asking yourself, “What can I get out of Public Speaking Coaching?” we have answers for you! There’s so much we can cover to help take your speaking, stage presence, and presenting skills to the next level. Here’s just a small sample of what we can offer:

  • Get personalized advice on improving your pitch beyond the deck. Whether it’s speaking skills or advanced software tips & tricks, we can help.
  • Have you been told it sounds too much like you’re “reading”, or “not conversational enough”? That’s often not a matter of preparedness, it’s a matter of vocal tone & inflection! We got you.
  • Are you tired of “um’s”, “ah’s”, “uh’s” and other filler words? Skip awful aversion techniques; there’s a better way to find comfort in moments of silence & reclaim your vocal space.
  • Overwhelmed by nerves? We can get to the core, or cut it down to size using helpful “hacks” to trick your nervous system back into a state of rest & calm.
  • Finding it hard to catch your breath during a speech? Let’s figure out why & practice breathing techniques to address it.
  • Are you struggling with Imposter Syndrome or – especially for women, trans, and non-binary individuals – internalized learned subservience? That societal nonsense can affect not only what we say, but how we say it. Let’s cut that crap out with science!

This is just a small sampling of the kinds of things we can address to ensure you’re more comfortable, capable, and confident each & every time you present yourself. We can’t wait to get started!

How We Can Help You

Command Any Stage


A strong, confident woman giving a speech in front of her attentive colleagues.


If you’re asking yourself, “What can I get out of Public Speaking Coaching?” we have answers for you! There’s so much we can cover to help take your speaking, stage presence, and presenting skills to the next level. Here’s just a small sample of what we can offer:

  • Get personalized advice on improving your pitch beyond the deck. Whether it’s speaking skills or advanced software tips & tricks, we can help.
  • Have you been told it sounds too much like you’re “reading”, or “not conversational enough”? That’s often not a matter of preparedness, it’s a matter of vocal tone & inflection! We got you.
  • Are you tired of “um’s”, “ah’s”, “uh’s” and other filler words? Skip awful aversion techniques; there’s a better way to find comfort in moments of silence & reclaim your vocal space.
  • Overwhelmed by nerves? We can get to the core, or cut it down to size using helpful “hacks” to trick your nervous system back into a state of rest & calm.
  • Finding it hard to catch your breath during a speech? Let’s figure out why & practice breathing techniques to address it.
  • Are you struggling with Imposter Syndrome or – especially for women, trans, and non-binary individuals – internalized learned subservience? That societal nonsense can affect not only what we say, but how we say it. Let’s cut that crap out with science!

This is just a small sampling of the kinds of things we can address to ensure you’re more comfortable, capable, and confident each & every time you present yourself. We can’t wait to get started!

A photograph of a young Heather Lawver, taken by a photographer from USA Today at the launch of the PotterWar boycott
The cover of Teen Newsweek, all about PotterWar, featuring an interview with Heather Lawver
The teaser about the launch of PotterWar on the very front page of USA Today from 2001
A screenshot from Australian news outlet, The Sydney Morning Herald, covering the Yang Yun campaign and the 2008 Beijing Olympics scandal

Meet Your Public Speaking Coach

Heather Lawver

Everything in life hinges on our ability to communicate. In my own life, my proudest accomplishments were made possible by the power of public speaking. It’s precisely that power I hope to help you identify within yourself; it’s already part of who you are! It just needs to be harnessed and honed so you can reach your full potential.

Public speaking was the magic behind some of my proudest accomplishments. When I was 16-years-old, I co-founded & served as Spokesperson for a successful international boycott against one of the largest media companies on the planet. In my 20’s, I managed a team that at long last brought international awareness & penalties to a global superpower for institutionalized child abuse & age falsification in Olympic sports. Those accomplishments were fueled by speaking truth to power with confidence, skill, and strategy. All of those things can be learned.

At 16, you can bet I felt like a nervous, unqualified kid; I worried no one would take me seriously. But I leaned on the exact skillsets that I hope to share with you. These techniques kept me grounded, kept me calm, kept me determined. I know they can do the same for you.

My biggest hope for you is that you’ll learn & excel with these skills, so that you can go out into the world, accomplish your goals, live your best life, and enact positive change. You have the potential to accomplish whatever you set your mind to. Let’s equip you with the tools to make your dreams a reality.

When you speak with steady strength & conviction, anything is possible.

The pen is mightier than the sword, but

well spoken words can change the world.


A signature from our founder, saying Thanks, Heather

Meet Your Public Speaking Coach

Heather Lawver

A photograph of a young Heather Lawver, taken by a photographer from USA Today at the launch of the PotterWar boycott

Everything in life hinges on our ability to communicate. In my own life, my proudest accomplishments were made possible by the power of public speaking. It’s precisely that power I hope to help you identify within yourself; it’s already part of who you are! It just needs to be harnessed and honed so you can reach your full potential.

The teaser about the launch of PotterWar on the very front page of USA Today from 2001

Public speaking was the magic behind some of my proudest accomplishments. When I was 16-years-old, I co-founded & served as Spokesperson for a successful international boycott against one of the largest media companies on the planet. In my 20’s, I managed a team that at long last brought international awareness & penalties to a global superpower for institutionalized child abuse & age falsification in Olympic sports. Those accomplishments were fueled by speaking truth to power with confidence, skill, and strategy. All of those things can be learned.

The cover of Teen Newsweek, all about PotterWar, featuring an interview with Heather Lawver

At 16, you can bet I felt like a nervous, unqualified kid; I worried no one would take me seriously. But I leaned on the exact skillsets that I hope to share with you. These techniques kept me grounded, kept me calm, kept me determined. I know they can do the same for you.

My biggest hope for you is that you’ll learn & excel with these skills, so that you can go out into the world, accomplish your goals, live your best life, and enact positive change. You have the potential to accomplish whatever you set your mind to. Let’s equip you with the tools to make your dreams a reality.

When you speak with steady strength & conviction, anything is possible.

The pen is mightier than the sword, but

well spoken words can change the world.


Heather's Signature

Your Voice Has Power.

Learn to use it with confidence.

As Perfectly pitched moves into its new chapter building out our fully automated platform, it’s very bittersweet to have to temporarily say goodbye to our individualized consulting services. We didn’t want to leave anyone hanging, though, so we’ve prepared an extensive free resource site full of all sorts of helpful information! It even includes an entire section on how to combat nerves & stage fright. Click the button to explore all the free goodies! In the meantime, we hope you’ll also sign up below for our Consulting Services Wait List. That way you’ll be the first to know when we have time to once again meet with clients one-on-one. We can’t wait! In the meantime, thank you very much for your patience & support!

An illustration of a woman sitting atop a calendar, with a week opened up, holding a megaphone and announcing that she finally has time available!